Ms. Adamczyk's English Classes




Unit #2 Essay is due BY CLASS TIME Firday 3/13. Emailed to as a Microsoft Word Doc OR hard copy. 


Writing Process Averages will also go in the Gradebook on Friday 3/13. Make sure you come to class prepared with your pre-writing and drafts all this week! 


Go to to generate ALL  your citations, including Lord of the Flies. 

ISBN NUMBER: 9780399501487



Unit #2: Writing about Lord of the Flies Through a Critical Literary Lens


-At least 9 quotes, most being from Lord of the Flies. No more than 11.


-Works Cited page on the LAST page of the essay

- 3-4 pages

- Italicize the name of the book: Lord of the Flies



_____ All paragraphs are indented (hit TAB or space 8 times).

_____ I have a total of 9 quotes in my entire essay. No more than 11.

_____ There are no careless spelling errors in my essay.

_____ All quotes are properly EMBEDDED

_____ Proper nouns (places and character names) are always capitalized.

_____ I have an intro paragraph in HIT format (HOOK-INTERCHANGE-THESIS).

_____I have a conclusion paragraph in reverse-HIT format (Re-stated thesis- INTERCHANGE- generalized HOOK).

_____Every time the title of a book is mentioned, I italicize the title: Lord of the Flies

_____ Any time I quote from the text, I have a parenthesis at the end of the sentence containing the quote with the correct page number.

Example: Montag expressed a “terrified grimace” when he saw the robots (55).

_____ Periods or ending punctuation for sentences including quotations appear AFTER the parenthetical citation.

_____ I have included TRANSITIONAL words or phrases when moving from one thought to the next (In between every E/D pair). All transitions are followed by a COMMA.

Example: Furthermore, the theme is expressed through the character Victor when...

_____ I have properly embedded ALL my direct quotations. Meaning, the quotes are not alone in their own sentences. ***REFER TO YOUR NOTES IF YOU’RE NOT SURE***

_____ My Work Cited page is on the very LAST page of my essay.

_____ My Work Cited page has a centered Work Cited title.

_____ I understand that the final copy of my essay is due BY CLASS TIME 

_____ I will bring either a hard copy to class OR email the essay as a MICROSOFT WORD DOC by the due date and time to

_____ I understand that is a hard deadline, and I will be deducted 10-points for every day it is late.





Golding explains Jack’s cold-heartedness because He punches Piggy and says, shut up, Fatty (55).


Piggy expresses concern when he mentions ‘”my asthma”’ (6).






Schedule Spring 2020

2nd: Honors World Literature 

3rd: World Lit. w/ Ms. Lauck (

4th: Honors World Literature 




Tuesday and Wednesday mornings 8-8:35 OR by appointment.